Before you send a resume, double-check your name

A resume is a pretty important part of the job hunting process, so imagine the horror one woman felt when she’d realized she’d been sending out copies that contained one huge glaring error — for THREE months!

In a reddit post detailed by UK’s The Mirror, the woman’s boyfriend chronicles how the error came to be. 

“One day while my girlfriend was at work she asked me to go on her computer which was open at home. All I had to do was re-save her resume in a new file titled ‘gf’s resume.’ Simple right? Wrong,” he began.

“Whilst saving said resume, her computer thought it would be funny to change the name header back to the profile user name, PRINCESS BANANA HAMMOCK, which was then shortened to Princess Banana Hamm due to spacing,” he explained. 

Screenshots of the resume show the user name in all caps instead of her actual name, which led the couple to “immediately realize why she hasn’t been getting called back for any interviews.”

“Needless to say she’s not too impressed with me right now & I’m not allowed to do anything on her computer for her ever again,” the post continued. “Happy holidays, at least next year she might get some calls back.”