New poll says Americans would rather wait in a TSA line than stay in their homes any more

Sure we’re all sick of being cooped up, but a new survey from Apple Vacations shows just how desperate we are to get away: 63% of those polled said they’d rather spend three hours in an airport TSA security line than stay indoors. 

The non-scientific survey of 2,000 Americans revealed 84% say they miss traveling “dearly,” with 56% reporting they’re suffering from quarantine fatigue. 

The average American in the poll said the last time they traveled for vacation was 14 months ago; for 70% of those, that’s the longest time they’ve ever gone without hitting the open road or the wild blue yonder.

With positive news regarding a COVID-19 vaccine, 90% of those surveyed say they’re excited to start traveling again, even before this cursed year is up; over half said they’re making travel plans for December; 80% say they’re planning a trip for 2021. 

In fact, the average respondent says they hope to take two trips next year — and after the pandemic, 64% say they hope to travel more than they ever have before.