Wyden Statement on McConnell COVID Proposal

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on Leader McConnell’s latest COVID proposal, as reported by the Washington Post:

“There are upwards of 150,000 COVID cases per day and miles-long lines at food banks nationwide, and Leader McConnell wants to do tax breaks for three-martini lunches and broad legal immunity for his corporate donors. It’s insulting to the American people. McConnell’s disastrous proposal doesn’t add any additional weeks of benefits for Americans who are experiencing long-term unemployment, or reinstate any weekly boost to benefits. This proposal doesn’t come close to keeping jobless workers in their homes or stopping the economy from further backsliding. In exchange for giving workers a few crumbs, McConnell wants his whole loaf. The legislation I introduced today would reinstate the $600 and extend unemployment benefits based on economic conditions on the ground. It’s what the economy needs and the American people overwhelmingly support.”