New Zone 7 School Board Member Appointed

North Wasco County School District is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Judy Richardson to serve in the role of School Board Member for the Zone 7 position. Dr.

Richardson was appointed by the NWC Board of Directors on November 19th, 2020 in a unanimous affirmative vote. The Zone 7 appointment will fill the vacant position until June 30th, 2021, which is the remainder of the elected position term. The Zone 7 position will be placed on the Special District Election ballot in May 2021.

Dr. Richardson is a 1991 graduate of The Dalles High School and a parent of a current TDHS student. She comes to the NWCSD Board of Directors with experience as a physician and business executive. She looks forward in helping the Board and School District Staff lead the district in long term facilities planning, defining a safe return to in-person learning for both students and staff, as well as supporting community engagement for the schools.

Dr. Richardson has previous experience with service organization boards, such as the MCMC Hospital Board (MEC member), Board member for Friends of Girl Scouts and as the past Chair and current member of the Clinical Advisory Panel of the Columbia Gorge CCO Board.

Dr. Richardson was appointed to the District’s Wellness Committee during the NWC School Board meeting on November 19th, 2020, where her experience and skills will be a positive contribution. North Wasco County School District wishes to congratulate and welcome Dr. Judy Richardson to our Board of Directors!