Man tries robbing bank by scrawling note on the back of his birth certificate

The things people do to “prove a point”…

A man wearing an ankle monitor robbed his local Bank of America by writing a note on the back of his birth certificate. Law & Crime reports 30-year-old Michael Conley Loyd told the Springfield, Missouri, bank, “Give Your Money Now. Don’t Say Anything. I Have A Partner Outside.” 

The teller said she feared for her safety and emptied out her drawer, handing $754 over to Loyd.  

Loyd drove home after the heist and later surrendered to police. He told authorities he threw the money — as well as his birth certificate and ID — out the car window when he saw their lights flashing as he drove away from the bank.

He also confessed he robbed the bank to “prove a point” to his lover after the two had an argument. It’s unknown what kind of point he attempted to make.

Either way, he now faces up to 20 years behind bars and a fine of up to $250,000 because he was on probation at the time.