Welfare check leads to arrest

On Thursday June 9, 2022, City of The Dalles Police Officers were dispatched to a welfare check for an individual who was reported to be passed out in his vehicle. Officers contacted the subject and noticed several pieces of suspected drug paraphernal and a container of blue pills inside the vehicle. Officers recognized the pills to be Fentanyl. The subject was placed in handcuffs and searched. Officers found a baggie of methamphetamine weighing more than the violation amount of 2 grams. The subject was arrested for possessing a controlled substance and lodged at NORCOR.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is an opioid that is used in many standard medical practices. Unfortunately, while Fentanyl is used in those practices, it can also be found in a much more dangerous street form. Street Fentanyl is often found in blue pills.

Why is Fentanyl so dangerous?

It is 80-100 times stronger than morphine, and a tiny amount can cause an overdose. In addition, Fentanyl is being added to other street drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine. Due to its extreme potency, there is a high risk of overdose and accidental exposure. Therefore, it is important to know what it looks like and what to do if you or a loved one comes in contact with Fentanyl.

What are the signs of an overdose?

• Pinpoint pupils

• Slow, shallow, or no breathing

• gurgling or snoring

• Inability to wake up

• Extreme drowsiness

• Cold, clammy skin

• Grey or blue skin, fingernails or lips

What do I do?

• Call 911

• Give Narcan if available

• Try to keep them awake and breathing

• Stay with them until EMS arrives

Drug treatment services are available and recovery is possible. Reach out to community service providers if you or a loved one are suffering from addiction.