Hot Donuts: Thief steals, trashes donut truck

A thief stole a truck belonging to a popular Syracuse, New York doughnut shop, took it for a joyride and dumped it in the city’s Inner Harbor.

“Glazed and Confused” owner Paul Valenti tells that he showed up to to work Thursday morning to find the truck missing.

“I just figured someone moved it to the parking lot, but then I saw it wasn’t there,” he adds.

After an employee who left the shop at 3 a.m. that morning said he didn’t move it, Valenti called the police, who confirmed it wasn’t towed. That’s when he realized it was stolen.

Valenti posted a photo of the truck on Twitter and asked for the public’s help in finding the portable doughnut factory. Within five minutes, six customers had called him saying they saw the truck, according to the outlet.

Minutes later, police found the truck with its exterior of the truck undamaged, but the inside “trashed” just after having arrived to retrieve the vehicle. No doughnuts were damaged in the heist.

“It’s amazing what power social media has,” he said. “This has to be the quickest case ever solved, thanks to the community.”

As for the cops, they got some some doughnuts for their efforts.