The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is…wait, is that an iguana?

It’s that time of year when the temperatures in Florida become not-so-tropical and cause iguanas to literally fall from the sky.

Daily Star reports that the Sunshine State is under alert for falling iguanas because of the chilly weather.  To put it briefly, iguanas are cold-blooded creatures so, when the temperature gets below 40, they become lethargic and can lose their ability to climb or cling to things — which means that they sometimes fall out of trees like drunks at the bar.  Apparently, the reptiles are able to recover quickly once they warm up in the sun.  But, if they fall on a person…

Also, people are advised not to rush to the iguana’s aid or move them, either.  It’s not because the animal is super dangerous, it’s because one of their scaly friends might be getting ready for one heck of a trust fall.  Iguanas can weigh up to 20 pounds, so getting hit by one can hurt.

Hence, Florida is officially in the bizarre time of year known as “falling iguana season.”