Video: 11/01 Goldendale City Council Meeting

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Please subscribe to her YouTube Channel.

The Goldendale City Council met last night. City Administrator Larry Bellamy presented his annual budget message and the preliminary budget for 2022. There were no big surprises. Other than a few large capital projects, he characterized this year’s budget as  “a basic operation and maintenance budget.” The budget now goes to the city’s budget committee for further review.

Councilors did make a change in the current year’s budget. voting to use some of the city’s economic development funds for a $7500 grant for public art. City administrator Larry Bellamy explains:

“The request from the Chamber to begin an ‘Art at the Heart of Goldendale’ campaign. which is to draw murals, and the first one is being painted now and they’re hoping to plaint all four corners of Main and Columbus.”

And Bellamy reminded people of an event coming up this weekend:

“The Oregon Rally car show is going to be in town. They’ve got some big name rally car drivers, and they’re going to be showing their rally cars off on West Main Street on Saturday November 6th.” That show is from 8 to 9 am.

He also issued a notice to local nonprofit organizations who hope to get grants from city tourism funds for their events have until Friday, December 3rd at 5 pm. Copies of the application can be picked up at city hall or can be downloaded as part of the agenda packet posted on the city’s website. 

And though there are still two months to go until the end of the year, Mayor Mike Canon summed it up:

“2021 has been a hell of a year. It’s been discouraging, disappointing, difficult, challenging, but look at all the things that Goldendale has gotten done: — community, county, city, school, football team, everything like that. We’ve toughed through it. We’re almost done with 2021. Hopefully, 2022 is going to be like a rose garden.”

So do we all.