On September 23, 2021, at approximately 4:09 P.M., members of the Oregon State Police Springfield Area Command received a menacing complaint on I-5, near milepost 189. Troopers were advised that two vehicles were involved in a road rage incident and one of the motorists pointed a firearm at the victim vehicle during the incident. Troopers were able to stop the vehicle on I-5 NB near milepost 205, where a high-risk stop was initiated. The subject was taken into custody without incident.
The driver was identified as Roger Dale Brown Jr. (39) from Gresham, Oregon.
The driver was found to be a convicted felon. During a search of the vehicle, Troopers located four more weapons, two 45cal semi-auto pistols, a 308cal SCAR Assault rifle, and a pistol style AK47 with a 75-round drum. All weapons were loaded with bullets in the chambers and a heavy ballistic vest with rifle-rated plates in it. There was also a seizure of approximately $60,000. The suspect was ultimately arrested and transported to Lane County Jail where he was lodged for Menacing, Unlawful Use of a Firearm, Felon in Possession of a Firearm (X5), Felon in Possession of Body Armor, and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm.