On Friday, May 7th, Hood River County will move from High Risk down to the Moderate Risk level. This change will be in effect through the following Thursday, May 13th. Help us keep from going up in risk level by continuing to wear masks and social distance.
Now is the time to get vaccinated so that our community can reopen. Get yours now while vaccines are available and easily accessible in our county:
- Hood River County Health Department will offer a free, walk-in clinic for the 1-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine on Thursday, May 6th from 9am-12pm at 1109 June Street, Hood River. No appointment necessary, open to anyone 18 and older. Visit hrccovid19.org for more information. Personal protective equipment (PPE) will also be available onsite during the clinic for businesses or individuals to pick up for free.
- Looking for a Moderna 1st or 2nd dose? Sign up here for the May 20th Moderna vaccine clinic at River of Life Assembly Church in Hood River.