10-year-old steals car to go buy Cheerios

What would you do for a Klondike bar? Or in this case a box of cheerios? Steal a car?

Well, that’s what a 10-year-old Minnesota boy did. According to the local ABC station, the minor stole his parents’ minivan and headed out to the grocery store to snag a box of the cereal and, in the process, led police on a bit of a chase. 

The child was eventually apprehended — but that was after he blew through a stop sign, sped off at 50 mph, reversed through an intersection, and drove up to an embarkment in the front yard of a residence. 

When questioned by police, the outlet reports that the boy “told the officer his dad wanted him to have cereal before going to school in the morning, so he sent the boy to buy Cheerios at the store.”

When pressed further the officer, “thinking it was unusual, asked the boy if his father was intoxicated and the boy confirmed that to be the case.”

However, that wasn’t the case at all. When authorities brought the boy home, they found his parents a bit tired since they had been sleep during the whole ordeal, but not at all drunk, and the boy admitted his lie. 

The van is facing some minor damages as a result of the escapade. As for the boy’s punishment, no word yet.