Congressman Bentz Attends Field Hearing to Address Central Oregon’s Water Supply

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Subcommittee on Natural Resources Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries Chairman Cliff Bentz  joined Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05) in her district to open a Subcommittee hearing titled, ‘It All Depends on Water: Examining Efforts to Improve and Protect Central Oregon’s Water Supply.’ The hearing emphasized the need to protect water resources, address water shortages for farmers and ranchers in Central Oregon and across the country and highlighted the importance of reforming the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Other Members of Congress, including Congressman Dan Newhouse (WA-04), Congresswoman Celeste Maloy (UT-02), Congresswoman Val Hoyle (OR-04) also participated in the event.’

Click here to watch Chairman Cliff Bentz’s opening statement.

Chairman Cliff Bentz’s Statement:

“Water is essential. Drought and federal regulations are combining to create winners and losers in the allocation of water. Nowhere is this more evident than in Central Oregon. Water once used in productive and important crops is being taken and placed into streams for frogs and fish, with no regard for the damage done to those from whom the water is being take,”said Chairman Bentz. “I was extremely pleased, as the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Water, Wildlife, and Fisheries, to bring the committee to Central Oregon for a hearing on these important issues. I want to thank Congresswoman Lori-Chavez-DeRemer for hosting this hearing in her Congressional District. This gave us the chance to hear how the locally driven, cooperative efforts happening there were working. The two clear messages from the witness’s testimony were that we need to better protect our watersheds from fire and our farmers and ranchers from being ruined by the implementation of the endangered species act. The witnesses’ testimony was helpful, and we will return to Washington better prepared to draft legislation addressing these issues.”

Click here to watch the field hearing.