Wedding day jitters? Just call the “wedding destroyer”

Ernesto Reinares Varea has ruined many a wedding day and gets paid quite handsomely to do it.

What began as a joke has turned into a lucrative business for the prankster, who posted an online ad offering to crash couples’ big days to get brides with cold feet off the hook.

“If you have doubts or don’t want to get married and don’t know how to refuse, don’t worry anymore, I’ll object to your wedding,” the “wedding destroyer” writes, according to the New York Post. ”You just need to tell me the time, place, and date.”

He says that for about $550, “I’ll come to your wedding and get it called off.”

The response to his ad was so overwhelming, says Varea, that he’s actually booked through December.

Of course, there are occupational hazards that go with destroying weddings. Occasionally Varea will be attacked by angry guests, for which he gets paid extra.

“Each slap is worth 50 euros,” or about $55, he tells the Spanish language outlet Yahora Sonsoles.