Merkley, Wyden Announce Over $17 Million in Federal Funding Coming to Oregon for Airport Improvement Projects

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is awarding $17,364,442 to the state under the Airport Improvement Program (AIP).

“Oregon’s airports connect communities across our state to the rest of the world—supporting local businesses, transporting goods, connecting travelers to world-class recreational opportunities, and providing essential lifelines during natural disasters,” Merkley said. “This $17 million in federal funding will modernize infrastructure at airports across Oregon, growing our economy and ensuring safety for Oregonians and visitors alike as they fly throughout our state.”

“As evidenced by the ongoing wildfires throughout Oregon, airports statewide play a key role in emergency response along with their everyday reliability for medical supplies, passenger travel and moving small business products from point A to point B,” Wyden said. “I’m gratified these airports have secured these federal funds that will enable them to achieve all those goals more safely and effectively.”

The AIP grant program funds airport infrastructure projects, such as improvements to runways, taxiways, passenger boarding bridges, airport signage, airport lighting, and airport markings to strengthen our nation’s aviation infrastructure. These awards will go toward pavement, runway, and taxiway improvements, as well as safety area construction.

The latest awards from the Federal Aviation Administration to Oregon airports can be found below:

  • Portland International Airport: $7,766,449
  • Bend Municipal Airport: $3,750,000
  • Roseburg Regional Airport: $2,120,951
  • Roberts Field in Redmond: $1,291,810
  • Siletz Bay State Airport:  $1,169,434
  • McNary Field in Salem: $300,000
  • Grants Pass Airport: $274,180
  • Cottage Grove State Airport: $264,118
  • Myrtle Creek Municipal Airport: $180,000
  • Ken Jernstedt Airfield in Hood River: $140,000

Of these 10 airports, Siletz Bay State and McNary Field received federal funding thanks to the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Additionally, the Oregon Department of Aviation is receiving $107,500 to update an existing state airport system plan.
