Forest Service, Scenic Area close roads and trails due to Whiskey Creek Fire


Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area
Mt. Hood National Forest, Hood River Ranger District

FOREST ORDER NO. 06-06-06-24-07 Whisky Creek Fire Closure

Pursuant to 16 USC § 551 and 36 CFR 261.50 (a) and (b), the following acts are prohibited on the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (CRGNSA), and the Hood River Ranger District of the Mt. Hood National Forest as shown on the attached map (Exhibit A).

These prohibitions will become effective July 2 , 2024, and will remain in effect until November 30, 2024, or until rescinded.

  1. Going into or being upon an area closed for the protection of public health or safety. (36 CFR 261.53(e))
  2. Being on a road. (36 CFR § 261.54(e))
  3. Being on a trail. (36 CFR § 261.55(a))


As depicted on “Exhibit A” all National Forest System lands, roads and trails administered by the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and Mt. Hood National Forest, Hood River Ranger District within the following area:

The Whisky Creek fire closure area boundary is located on National Forest System lands inside the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness boundary east of the Eagle Creek Trail #440 and east of the Indian Springs Trail #435, in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and Mt. Hood National Forest. It also includes Forest Service Lands just east of the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness and west of Flume Creek. It extends north of the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness to all Forest Service lands just south of the State Trail. The following areas currently remain open; Wyeth Campground and the Gorge #400 trail connecting the Eagle Creek Trail #440 to the Bridge of the Gods Trailhead, allowing access for Pacific Crest Trail hikers.

Additionally, the following Forest Service System roads and trails are closed:

Closed Roads within the Closure Area

Forest Service Road 1000102

Forest Service Road 1000104

Forest Service Road 1002000

Forest Service Road 1004000

Forest Service Road 1310000

Forest Service Road 1310640

Forest Service Road 1310641

Forest Service Road 1310660

Forest Service Road 1310661

Forest Service Road 1310662

Forest Service Road 1310664

Forest Service Road 1310669

Forest Service Road 1311000

Forest Service Road 1400030

Forest Service Road 1400032

Forest Service Road 1400034

Forest Service Road 1400036

Forest Service Road 1400038

Forest Service Road 1403000

Forest Service Road 1403007

Forest Service Road 1430000

Forest Service Road 2810000

Forest Service Road 2810630

Forest Service Road 2810650

Forest Service Road 2820000

Forest Service Road 2820011

Forest Service Road 2820013

Forest Service Road 2820622

Forest Service Road 2820631

Forest Service Road 2820632

Forest Service Road 2820633

Forest Service Road 2820634

Forest Service Road 2820635

Forest Service Road 2820636

Forest Service Road 2820650

Forest Service Road 2820651

Forest Service Road 2820660

Forest Service Road 2820661

Forest Service Road 2820662

Forest Service Road 2820663

Forest Service Road 2820670

Forest Service Road 2820685

Forest Service Road 2821000

Forest Service Road 2821620

Forest Service Road 2821621

Forest Service Road 2821630

Forest Service Road 2821640

Closed Trails within the Closure Area

Anthill Trail #406B
Bear Lake Trail #413A

Benson-Ruckel Trail #405A

Benson Spur Trail #405C

Casey Creek Trail #476

Chinidere Cutoff Trail #405M

Chinidere Mountain Trail #445

Deadwood Trail #422

Eagle-Benson Trail #434

Eagle Creek Trail #440 east of its junction with Indian Springs Trail #435 east to its junction with Pacific Crest Trail #2000

Gorge Trail #400, east of its junction with the Pacific Crest Trail #2000 east to its junction with Wyeth Trail #411

Gorton Creek Trail #408
Green Point Ridge Trail #418
Herman Bridge Trail #406E
Herman Creek Trail #406
Herman Cutoff Trail #410
Mitchell Point Trail #417
Mt. Defiance Trail #413
Mt. Defiance Tie Trail #413B
Mud Lake Trail #406A
Nick Eaton Trail #447
North Lake Trail #423
Pacific Crest Trail #2000 north of its junction with Indian Springs Trail #435 north to its junction

at Bridge of the Gods Trailhead Plateau Cutoff Trail #412
Rainy Lake Trail #423A Rainy-Kingsley Trail #409B Rainy-Wahtum Trail #409
Ridge Cutoff Trail #437
Ruckel Creek Trail #405
Starvation Ridge Trail #414 Starvation Ridge Cut-Off Trail #414B Wahtum Express Trail #406H Wahtum Switchback Trail #407 Warren Lake Trail #417A

West Benson Way Trail #405B Wyeth Trail #411

Closed Recreation Sites within the Closure Area

Black Lake Campground & Trailhead Herman Creek Campground & Trailhead Indian Springs/PCT North Trailhead
Mt. Defiance South Trailhead

Rainy Lake Campground & Trailhead Wahtum Lake Campground & Trailhead Warren Lake Trailhead

Pursuant to Title 36 CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:

  1. Any person with a permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act or omission.
  2. Any Federal, State, or local official or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in theperformance of an official duty.
  3. Owners or lessees of land within the closed area.

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These prohibitions are in addition to the general prohibitions in 36 CFR part 261, subpart A.

Violations of these Prohibitions are punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for an organization or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both. [16 USC § 551, 18 USC § 3571 ].

These prohibitions are in addition to the general prohibitions in 36 CFR part 261, subpart A.

The closure is necessary to provide protection for forest users, firefighting personnel, and natural resources from the current Whisky Creek Fire.

Executed in Hood River, Oregon and Sandy, Oregon this 26 day of July, 2024.

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Forest Supervisor
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area

Mt. Hood National Forest