Toddler hides raisin in nose for three months

You could say Peyton Handley, a toddler who lives with her parents in Scotland, has a nose for trouble.

The little girl had been complaining about a pain in her nose and trouble breathing for three months, but after several visits to local doctors turned up nothing, her parents, Craig and Kirsty, chalked it up to some kind of viral infection, according to the BBC.

However, when the symptoms persisted, the couple finally took her to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, where ear, nose and throat specialists solved the mystery in minutes: the 3-year-old had a raisin lodged in her nose.

The Handleys’ recommendation to parents in a similar situation: “Go see a proper ENT.”

Peyton is back to her normal self, doing all the things she did before the medical emergency — well, almost everything.

“But definitely no more raisins,” jokes Craig.