Yakima School District Updates on Certified Staff Recall Process

Yakima Sch. Dist. – 05/20/24 3:25 PM

Yakima, WA — The Yakima School District today issued an update regarding the ongoing Reduction in Force (RIF) and staff recall process, sharing that all certified staff members affected have been offered positions for the upcoming school year. This announcement precedes a detailed recall report to be given at this afternoon’s school board meeting.

A Reduction in Force (RIF) occurs when a school district must reduce its number of staff due to budget constraints, declining student enrollment, or other fiscal pressures. The recall process follows a RIF, allowing for the rehiring of staff as positions become available based on specific criteria set forth in collective bargaining agreements and district policies.

The Process Explained:

The RIF and recall processes are governed by Washington State law, particularly RCW 28A.400.300, which mandates that school districts must adopt policies for the employment and discharge of staff, including procedures for rehiring employees who have been impacted by the reduction in force. These procedures ensure that rights are protected under the terms of collective bargaining agreements and are strictly adhered to by the district.

Superintendent Dr. Trevor Greene emphasized, “Our commitment to ensuring the solvency and future stability of our district guides these difficult decisions. We are dedicated to supporting every member of our team through this transition while maintaining one of the lowest district office overhead costs in the state. This strategic financial management is crucial as we continue our efforts to direct as many resources as possible towards classroom and student services.”

Background for the Community:

It is important for the public to understand that a RIF is not merely about reducing personnel but ensuring the district can operate within its financial means while still providing quality education. To meet a $20 million budget shortfall for the 2024-25 school year, the district has reduced 62.5 certificated positions (plus ten certificated administrator positions) and programmatic reductions, classified staff reductions and other miscellaneous savings. The recall process allows districts to rehire staff as opportunities arise, maintaining continuity and stability in our schools. At this point, all certified staff members impacted by the RIF and Recall have been offered positions for the 2024-25 school year. A few have elected to decline first offers as they await potential future opportunities.

Today’s Board Meeting:

Details from today’s update have already been shared with all district staff earlier today and will be further elaborated upon during this afternoon’s school board meeting, ensuring transparency and community involvement.

Additional Resources:

For more detailed information on the district’s budget realignment and the procedures involved in the RIF and recall processes, please visit YSD7.org/budget.