Seeking public comment on proposed correction to Maupin city boundary in state scenic waterway rule

Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept. – 05/01/24

SALEM, Oregon—Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is seeking public comment on a proposed rule change that would correct the city of Maupin’s boundary description in the Deschutes Scenic Waterway rule.

The rule uses a description of Maupin’s city boundary that does not include land annexed in 1973. The later adopted Deschutes Scenic Waterway statute includes the city boundary with the annexed land. 

The discrepancy between the two was discovered when a proposed development in the Lower Deschutes State Scenic Waterway corridor raised the question regarding the statutory boundary. The proposed rule change would update the description of Maupin’s city boundary to reflect the boundary described in statute. 

Learn more about the proposed rule change online. Public comments on the proposed rule change will be accepted through 5 p.m. May 31, 2024 and can be submitted:

There will be no public hearing. Once the public comment period ends, the proposal with any incorporated updates is slated to go to Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission in June for possible adoption.

OPRD manages state scenic waterways program on behalf of the state of Oregon. The program seeks to balance protection and use through cooperation between federal, state and local agencies as well as individual property owners and those who recreate along a waterway.