PUC Seeking Public Comment on Pacific Power’s Proposed Rate Increase

Oregon Public Utility Commission – 04/25/24

Spanish translation services available

SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) is hosting a virtual event for the public to comment on Pacific Power’s general rate case filing that proposed an increase to electricity rates. This event, held Tuesday, April 30, 2024, from 6-7 p.m. PDT, provides the opportunity to speak directly to the commissioners about the proposed rate increase. Customers may also submit comments in writing or by phone through June 14, 2024.

Pacific Power, which provides electric services to 627,000 Oregon customers, filed a request to increase overall revenues by $322.3 million or approximately 17.9% for all customer types combined. If approved, residential single-family customers using an average of 950 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month would see a bill increase of $30.66. For a residential customer in a multi-family home using an average of 650 kWh per month, bills would increase by $18.51. Actual percentage increases will vary depending on customer type and usage. 

Pacific Power’s proposed impacts for the different customer types due to the general rate case filing are noted in the chart below

Customer TypesResidentialSmall Commercial Large CommercialIndustrialIrrigation
Percentage increase for average usage 21.6% 22.4% 10.4% 14.1% 22.4%

 Pacific Power identifies several reasons driving the general rate case filing, including investments in transmission infrastructure, wind generation to serve customer load, upgrading the customer service system, increased costs of capital to reflect updated market conditions and risk, and wildfire and vegetation management related costs. The company also proposes an insurance cost adjustment and funding for a proposed catastrophic fire fund. 

Pacific Power’s general rate case filing is undergoing a nearly year-long review and will be fully investigated on behalf of electricity customers by the PUC, the Oregon Citizens’ Utility Board, and others. This public comment event is part of that investigation, which will conclude in December when the Commissioners rule on the request. The Commissioners may approve or modify Pacific Power’s request and will only approve rate increases if fully justified by the company. New rates, if approved, are expected to go into effect January 1, 2025. 

In a separate filing, which would also go into effect January 1, 2025, Pacific Power proposed an update to its annual power costs, which is currently forecast to be a decrease in rates of about 1%.

Comment via Zoom or phone on April 30

When:        Tuesday, April 30, 2024, from 6-7 p.m. PDT
This meeting may go beyond the scheduled end time to allow more people to comment, so please log in before 7 p.m. 

Access the Zoom link and phone-in details at: https://bit.ly/44bnMi6

Spanish translation services are available for community convenience at no cost. For those needing translation services, log into the Zoom platform and select English or Spanish on the bottom of the page. Translation services are not available for the meeting phone-in option.

Submit comments directly to the PUC by June 14, 2024

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To stay informed throughout this case, individuals may request to be added to the distribution list to receive publicly available documents. Submit requests by email to [email protected]“>[email protected] or by calling 503-378-6678. Please specify Docket No. UE 433 in the request.

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The Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) regulates customer rates and services of the state’s investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities, including Portland General Electric, Idaho Power, Pacific Power, Avista, Cascade Natural, and NW Natural. The PUC also regulates landline telephone providers and select water companies. The PUC’s mission is to ensure Oregonians have access to safe, reliable, and fairly priced utility services that advance state policy and promote the public interest. We use an inclusive process to evaluate differing viewpoints and visions of the public interest and arrive at balanced, well-reasoned, independent decisions supported by fact and law. For more information about the PUC, visit oregon.gov/puc.