Klickitat County Sheriff Songer: Commissioner Zoller and Anderson:  DID THEY LIE ABOUT THE JAIL?

The following is a Press Release issued by Klickitat County Sheriff Bob Songer:

During a special Board of County Commissioners public meeting on Friday 29, 2024, the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office was blind-sided by Klickitat County Country Commissioners Lori Zoller and Jacob Anderson when they announced intent that the Klickitat County Jail would be closed by April 12, 2024 with contracting Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facility (NORCOR) located in The Dalles, Oregon.

During the meeting Board Chair Lori Zoller opened the meeting by reading a statement:  ” As board chair and lead for this proposal. I put aside most of my work for some time now, as has my assisting staff, to dedicate time to look at every angle of this most multifaceted problem seeking solid and vetted information and solutions.  Throughout this process, we engaged with our legal COUNSEL, State and Federal agencies, and legal advice, and enlisted the assistance of our personnel and finance departments. I want to thank them all for the enormous time they have given to ensure we have carefully considered all items and information.”

With the ambush announcement by Chair County Commissioner Lori Zoller and backed by Commissioner Jacob Anderson, I conducted my own investigation into Commissioners Zoller and Anderson level of negotiations with NORCOR to house our inmates.  

With decades of investigative experience, it did not take long to find the truth. On April 10, 2024, I contacted two law enforcement board members of NORCOR. They informed me contact from our two commissioners, originating about March 20th, was rather casual conversations with no commitment from NORCOR.  They further informed me of the expenses which more than evaporate the claims of financial benefits of using NORCOR.  Additionally, they gave multiple situations NORCOR could decline to take certain prisoners. Further stating it could easily take 6 months for an agreement to reach a functional level, if they chose to contract with Klickitat County.

The statements above clearly contradict the claims made by Commissioner Zoller and supported by Commissioner Anderson.

Therefore, I must conclude these Commissioners are either bungling incompetents or intentionally lying to the public and Sheriff’s Office.

It was clear during the March 29th meeting that County Commissioner Dan Christopher was also blindsided by his two seat mates.  Those seat mates have acted in gross disregard for a process which should have included Commissioner Christopher and the Sheriff’s Office.

The sudden panic for an emergency shutdown of our jail being based on incidents occurring many months ago, leads me to believe the push has more to do with personal animosity Commissioners Zoller and Anderson have towards me. 

Testimony to the Commissioners from a mental health professional, with close to 20 years periodically working in our jail, was that he had never had a complaint from an inmate how they were treated in our jail.

April 12th has come and gone.

Our 16-member jail staff has been dedicated to their profession throughout this stressful situation.  These employees of Klickitat County maintain their post as the jail is still open and the inmates continue to be supervised by a very professional caring staff.


Gorge Country Media reached out to Klickitat County Commissioner Lori Zoller for her response to the Sheriff’s claims. Below is her response:

Sheriff Songer,s claims that the County Commissioners have not been working with NORCO are false.  As part of the fact finding mission I have had several meetings with the management and the Chair of the Board for NORCOR. The NORCOR board has held discussions and there are ongoing contract negotiations.  

As for the claim that Commissioner Christopher’s is being “blindsided”.  This could not be further from the truth.  Over the past years there have been many conversations within the past and present BOCC meetings in regards to the extreme budget overspending within the Sheriff’s office. Of which Mr. Christopher has always been very involved and concerned about.  The legal problems surrounding the jail are very public and have been discussed by all the Commissioners in open session as well as Executive session with our legal council.  I am confused with Mr. Christopher’s sudden switch in participation.  It is his elected position to participate, even if he has a differing opinion.  That is how the system works.  

Mr. Christopher should be part of the process by setting up a meeting with NORCOR for himself like others have done.  Or calling task force members for discussion and to learn information for future decisions.

As an elected official I am sure the public expects us to do our homework.  Get  involved and bring valuable information back to the BOCC.  It is not our job to hold his hand.  

I think it is time we remember there are two items that are the focus here.  Health and safety within the jail and systemic budget problems resulting from overspending with money management issues.  
