All Oregon Votes pauses signature gathering on IP-26, the Oregon Voting Rights Amendment

“The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.”
– George Washington, Farewell Address
Dear Friend of All Oregon Votes,

We regret to inform you that we have paused signature gathering on IP-26, the Oregon Voting Rights Amendment.

We need more time and resources to build a successful petition drive. We are currently competing for attention with other pro-democracy reforms such as campaign contribution limits, redistricting reform, and ranked-choice voting.  

We believe we can attract more civic engagement as solutions to those other reform issues emerge. We are continuing the work to establish equal voting rights for all Oregon citizens without regard to their political affiliation or non-affiliation.

You can help by contacting your state representatives to demand equality of voting rights in Oregon. Follow us on social media and share our vision of free and fair elections with your friends.

Much thanks to all of you who have supported the petition effort and who continue to support our work to improve Oregon’s democracy.

With gratitude,
The All Oregon Votes Committee