Newhouse Leads Letter to USPS Regarding Wenatchee and Yakima Operations and Election Integrity

This week, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) sent a letter to United States Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, and the Western States Government Relations Liaison Director Jennifer Selde with concerns about local delivery services and election integrity.

“Upholding delivery standards and election integrity measures is the basis of the United States Postal Services’ operational mandates, and ensuring these requirements are being met is of the utmost importance,” said Rep. Newhouse. 

Newhouse continues, “The new USPS proposal to move some Wenatchee and Yakima post office operations to Spokane and Seattle will slow the already frustrating process of mail delivery to our rural communities.”

“This proposal will also make mail-in voting more difficult for our region, and it is crucial that we maintain the standards that the American people both expect and deserve. I am urging The U.S. Postmaster General to reconsider this unreliable proposal for the sake of their customers and voters.”

Additionally, the letter poses the following questions to the Postmaster General:

On USPS’s decision-making process regarding the Wenatchee and Yakima post offices:

1) What variables does the USPS measure to gauge service standards?

2) Do customers in Wenatchee and Yakima currently receive one-day, two-day, three-day, or delayed service and under which conditions does this occur? 

3) If some of the operations are moved to Spokane or Seattle, how will this impact service standards and for which types of service? I have received conflicting information that the proposed adjustments will increase transport delays by three days each way, totaling six days for service that would have originally only taken one day.

4) How will these MPFR decisions impact mail-in ballots and Americans’ right to vote?

5) How will these MPFR decisions impact Americans’ timely access to official documents, checks, bills, prescriptions, and other critically important items?

6) How is the USPS factoring in the needs of the most vulnerable populations who consistently rely on timely, affordable, and efficient mail and package delivery services?

7) During the winter months, for these two post offices, USPS is already experiencing delays due to closed roads and severe weather conditions. How will USPS ensure services are not delayed or further delayed following any MPFR decisions?

8) When and to whom did you send the public release or announcement of this potential change and the opportunity for public input?

9) Who made the decision to host the public meeting on this potential process during the middle of the workday and what was their rationale for this decision? I have received information that public turnout was dramatically lower than previous meetings held years ago on this proposed process and the reasons were largely due to timing.

10) Are the public comment data, for Wenatchee and Yakima, as well as all MPFR cases, available for public review? If so, please provide the details for public access.

11) What percentage of these public comments were in favor, neutral, or opposed to certain parts of the Wenatchee and Yakima MPFRs? 

12) How are these public comments factored into the MPFR decision-making process?

13) Based on USPS’s webpage titled “Mail Processing Facility Review”, under the column labeled “Status”, there appears to be “Notice of Intent”, “Public Comment”, “Under Review”, and “Decision to Proceed.” Out of the total number of MPFRs finalized, what percentage received the status, “Decision to Not Proceed” or a similar status based on public opposition?

14) Will any employees working in the Wenatchee or Yakima locations lose their jobs? I have received conflicting information ranging from zero, four, eight, or twenty.

15) What specific investments will be made into the Wenatchee and Yakima locations? I have received conflicting information that minimal to no changes to machinery will occur and the only improvements will be restroom and breakroom areas.

On election integrity:

1) Will you provide an outline of where, when, and how many ballots were discovered?

2) Why were these collection boxes not searched in time for Election Day?

3) Is there any indication that the policies or processes in place in these identified counties may also be occurring in other counties in the State of Washington?

4) Is there a list of collection boxes that are considered in service or out of service?

5) What steps are being taken to ensure these concerning mistakes do not occur in the 2024 election?

6) Has USPS added or removed any collection boxes in the State of Washington throughout the past three months? If so, please provide this data.

7) Does USPS have any plans to add or remove any collection boxes in the State of Washington throughout the year of 2024? If so, please provide this data.

8) When and where were the last density tests conducted in the State of Washington?

9) Will you make the results of those tests available to the public?

10) How have you communicated with the public and local elected officials to ensure there will not be a disruption in the service delivered to these communities?

The full letter can be found here.
