ICYMI: While Senate Democrats Shine a Spotlight on Abortion Bans, Congressional Republicans Clamor to Rip Away Abortion Rights

The Guardian: Democrats condemn ‘cruel’ abortion bans ahead of 51st anniversary of Roe // Politico: ‘Disappointed and upset’: Conservatives bemoan lack of anti-abortion wins in funding fight

Senators Murray, Schumer, Stabenow, Klobuchar, Baldwin, Warren, Cortez Masto Host Abortion Rights Briefing Ahead of Roe v. Wade Anniversary: “We Will Not Let Anyone Turn Away” — MORE HERE

***VIDEO HERE of full briefing, PHOTOS HERE***

Washington, D.C. – ICYMI, Senate Democrats, led by U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), held a briefing on the State of Abortion Rights nationwide this week ahead of the Roe v. Wade anniversary on Monday. At the briefing, 19 Senate Democrats heard from and asked questions of panelists Dr. Austin Dennard, a Texas OB/GYN and patient plaintiff in the Zurawski v. Texas case who recounted through tears her heartbreaking story of being forced to leave her state for abortion care after receiving a fatal fetal diagnosis that threatened her health; Jessica Valenti, founder of the comprehensive daily newsletter Abortion, Every Day that tracks anything and everything happening with abortion; and Dr. Serina Floyd, Chief Medical Officer for Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC and a fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health.

As Democrats mark the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling with what NBC characterized as an “all-out reproductive freedom campaign,”  House Republicans are fuming at their failure to enact new anti-abortion restrictions in federal funding bills; with Politico noting“the state of play is vexing Congress’ anti-abortion stalwarts and influential outside groups, many of whom [Speaker] Johnson is set to face Friday as he addresses the March for Life rally in Washington, the largest annual anti-abortion event in the country.”

The State of Abortion Rights briefing Murray hosted—with Leader Schumer and Senators Debbie Stabenow, Amy Klobuchar, Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, and Catherine Cortez Masto as co-hosts—was a powerful opportunity for senators to hear from panelists whose lives were turned upside-down by Republicans’ cruel abortion bans and who are on the frontlines of writing about and responding to the horrific fallout from the Dobbs decision nationwide. Panelists discussed with senators the exodus of OB/GYNS from states where abortion is banned, how “exceptions” to abortion bans exist in name only, the deceptive strategies of the anti-abortion movement and how most Americans support abortion rights, and much more. Senator Murray made clear that Democrats will continue using every tool at their disposal to shine a light on the awful realities the Dobbs decision created and relentlessly make the case for restoring and expanding abortion access nationwide. As Senate Appropriations Committee Chair, Murray has repeatedly made clear that abortion is “a fundamental right that we will not budge on,” recently reiterating that “under no circumstances are we going to enact new restrictions on abortion in our spending bills like House Republicans have done in theirs.”

Here’s what the media is saying:

The Guardian: Democrats condemn ‘cruel’ abortion bans ahead of 51st anniversary of Roe: Experts at the briefing described Republican-backed abortion bans across the country as “cruel”, “extreme” and causing untold “suffering” for American women, thousands of whom are forced to travel across state lines for abortions or be forced to remain pregnant. “Senate Democrats will not let anyone turn away from the devastation Republicans have caused,” said Senator Patty Murray, a Washington state Democrat. “And we will not stop pushing to restore the federal right to abortion.”

Jezebel: Doctors Say Patients Are Scared to Ask Basic Pregnancy Questions in Chilling Senate Briefing: The senate briefing delved into a range of extreme conditions that abortion bans have inflicted on patients and providers, from a child rape victim in Ohio forced to travel to Indiana for abortion care, to people with nonviable fetuses (including at least one case of a young Texan woman whose fetus lacked a head) being denied abortions. “Why would anyone want to deliberately create a world where women are forced to be walking coffins?” Valenti said. “It is inexplicable, until you understand that this has nothing to do with families or babies, but enforcing a worldview that says it’s women’s job to be pregnant and to stay pregnant, no matter what the cost or consequence. Despite these increasingly common realities, Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) claimed Republican lawmakers are trying to dodge the consequences of their laws with “spin, or rebranding, or by sticking their heads in the sand.” But “this isn’t a PR problem for women,” she said, “it is a living hell, and a personal nightmare.”

States Newsroom: Members of U.S. Senate, advocates discuss problems in states that limit abortion access: Abortion rights advocates and Democrats in the U.S. Senate pressed for a return to legal, safe access throughout the country during a briefing Wednesday. The nearly three-hour conversation, held in the Capitol Visitors Center, featured doctors speaking about the challenges they and their patients face in states that have implemented restrictions on abortion since the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion. “As an OB-GYN I know firsthand that everyone’s reason for needing an abortion is valid and personal,” said Dr. Austin Dennard, a Texas physician who is one of the women suing the state over its abortion laws. “Even planned, prayed-for pregnancies can end in abortion.”

NBC NewsAfter several successful state efforts to codify abortion access, Democrats are marking the 51st anniversary of the defunct Roe v. Wade ruling with an all-out reproductive freedom campaign — in an election year when abortion rights could once again help determine the balance of power in Washington. Senate Democrats held a briefing on abortion access Wednesday focusing on the impact of state abortion bans. More than half of the Democratic caucus, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, heard from and questioned medical professionals and experts.

MSNBC interview with Senator StabenowDeadline: White House with Alicia Menendez

Listening today, I kept thinking—is it 2024 or 1824? I mean, it’s just unbelievable. that’s why the Democratic women of the Senate, led by Senator Murray, hosted this briefing. We had Democratic colleagues there, all of whom who care deeply… the reality is what we heard over and over again is that this is strategic, they have been planning for it for 50 years. They’re now trying to hide the data on infant mortality and what is happening to women, and it’s incredibly serious. It’s all hands on deck right now.

MSNBC interview with Senator Baldwin: The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell

This was obviously a moving experience today, to listen to these stories from around America of what Donald Trump, and the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has done. [Baldwin:] Without question. Dr. Dennard was sharing her account, and it just reminds us of the dire reality in a post-Roe America. During this briefing, we were reminded by other witnesses about the situation across this country—a doctor from Washington, DC talked about a woman who had just accumulated the bus fare she needed to come up from the South to get care, she had no money left for a hotel, stayed a homeless shelter, got food from a food pantry so that she could receive the care she needed. In Wisconsin, we fell back to a law that was passed in 1849—a criminal abortion ban—and those same dire stories have happened across the state of Wisconsin for the 15 months since Dobbs was decided and Roe fell.

MSNBC interview with Senator WarrenAlex Wagner Tonight (4:00)

Democrats in the Senate today held a briefing on the state of abortion rights, where victims described the painful consequences of Republican restrictions on abortion. [Dr. Dennard:] A routine ultrasound showed devastating news. the brain and skull had not formed… and I remember looking at the ultrasound screen in complete disbelief. I can’t believe I need another abortion, I thought. We have to flee the state. Because of Texas’ new laws we were afraid to use a credit card or tell people where we were going. It was absolutely humiliating, and I felt physically and emotionally broken.

Alice Ollstein, Politico: Senate Dems are holding an event this morning to spotlight the impact of state abortion bans. An OBGYN from Texas is speaking first, through tears, about having to leave the state to terminate her own pregnancy after receiving a fatal diagnosis of anencephaly.

Kate Santaliz, NBC: Senate Dems are hosting a briefing on the state of abortion rights this morning to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. “Democrats cannot and will not accept this status quo. We will never stop fighting,” Leader Schumer said.

Here’s what advocates are saying:

Planned Parenthood: Senate Democrats Put the Spotlight on Abortion Rights Fight While Anti-Abortion House Republicans Continue Their Attacks: Yesterday was a “tale of two cities” on Capitol Hill: The U.S. House anti-abortion majority continued their attacks on abortion while Senate Democrats made protecting abortion rights a priority. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), alongside Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), and more hosted a briefing on the state of abortion rights to highlight the widespread harm of abortion bans and restrictions, and centered the voices and experiences of providers and advocates.

Reproductive Freedom for All: Thank you Sen. @PattyMurray for your tireless leadership. Ahead of what would have been Roe’s 51st anniversary, we can’t ignore the damage anti-abortion policies are causing.

Center for Reproductive Rights: Our client, Dr. Austin Dennard, told her story to Senate Democrats at a hearing on the state of US abortion rights. And she made one thing clear: Everyone deserves access to the health care that’s right for them without fear of punishment.

Physicians for Reproductive Health: We’re so proud of Dr. Floyd for speaking up and sharing her expertise & experience as an abortion provider at today’s briefing. HIGHLIGHTS“Abortion is essential care. I can say without hesitation that I have saved people’s lives with this work.” – Dr. Floyd

Jessica Valenti of Abortion, Every Day: Today, I had the privilege of speaking on abortion rights in a briefing to Senate Democrats in Washington, DC. The first time I came to DC was in 1992. I was 13 years old, and my mother brought me here for the pro-choice March for Women’s Lives. Today I was joined by my 13 year old daughter. It’s her first time in Washington. Yet somehow, she’s here with less rights than I had thirty two years ago. And I think we should be ashamed of that. My deepest hope is that she doesn’t need to follow in the steps of her mother and grandmother, and come here decades from now to defend her daughter’s humanity.

Here’s what senators are saying:

Senator SchumerToday, ahead of the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Senate Democrats heard from witnesses at the forefront of fighting for abortion access. MAGA Republicans are still pushing for a national abortion ban. Democrats will never relent in fighting for a woman’s right to choose. [+ full remarks HERE]

Senator Stabenow2 years ago, the Supreme Court ripped away the fundamental freedom to make our own reproductive health care decisions. Michiganders made their voices heard in the 2022 election to restore this freedom in our state constitution. That goes away if there is a national abortion ban.

Senator Baldwin: After hearing the heart-wrenching consequences of women who had the freedom to control their bodies stripped away, the answer couldn’t be clearer: The time to restore abortion rights is NOW.

Senator Warren@JessicaValenti is right: Republicans are going for an all out ban on abortions. @SenateDems are going to keep fighting back to protect reproductive freedom.

Senator Cortez Masto: As we approach the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I’m joining @PattyMurray this morning for an abortion rights briefing. While anti-choice politicians want a total abortion ban, @SenateDems will never stop fighting for women’s reproductive rights. [+ press release HERE]

Senator Heinrich: Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, New Mexico has been a safe haven for abortion access. Today I talked with health care providers on why we must improve the health care infrastructure of states like New Mexico in order to protect women’s freedom to choose.

Senator Cantwell: “Washington, next door to Idaho—we’re the island of any kind of relief. So, it’s not surprising to see that we’ve seen a 56% increase in the amount of patients coming to Planned Parenthood clinics from Idaho over the last year…We have to have a federal law to protect people.

Senator RosenSince the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, anti-choice attacks on reproductive care have been relentless. If extreme politicians get their way & pass a nationwide abortion ban, it will only get worse. This is why we must restore federal protections for reproductive rights. [+ press release HERE]

Senator SmithDr. Dennard is a profile in courage for coming to Washington to share her story of what it’s like to live under a Texas abortion ban – not just as an OBGYN, but as a patient. This is the reality of an America that doesn’t recognize women’s reproductive freedom.

Senator Welch: Our U.S. Supreme Court has totally failed us. In the name of ‘state rights,’ they have taken away freedom and caused distress and uncertainty for women across the country…On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade I’m continuing to call on Congress to pass legislation that will restore, protect and expand access to abortion and reproductive care nationwide.”

Senator WhitehouseEven in Rhode Island where abortion care is protected, OB/GYNs are seeing the ripple effect of extreme bans. I’m thankful to the women of @SenateDems for hosting today’s briefing and for keeping up the drumbeat on passing the Women’s Health Protection Act.
