Video: 10/02 Goldendale City Council Meeting

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Please subscribe to her YouTube Channel.

Much of the Goldendale City Council meeting last night was involved setting things up for future meetings. Councilors gave the go-ahead for the city administrator to finalize a contract to supply aviation gas to the new pump at the city’s airport. The contract would be for three years, and only required the city to purchase 13,000 gallons in that period, which councilors felt would be easily met. Administrator Pat Munyan will bring back the finalized version to the council for approval at a later date.

On a broader scale, in response to increased local concern about problems associated with homeless people, Mayor Mike Canon asked staff to set up a meeting among people dealing with the situation:

“The city council, county commissioners, the prosecuting attorney and WAGAP to discuss the homeless situation in Goldendale.” 

WAGAP stands for the Washington Gorge Action Programs. Later in the meeting, others suggested adding representatives from the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Department and the department of health.

And councilors responded to a suggestion from Councilor Fil Ontiveros that the city create some sort of committee to give recognition to local citizens who volunteer in many areas to make the city better. They decided to refer the matter to the Events Committee, then remembered that Ontiveros was not on that committee. At that point, Councilor Dave Jones spoke up:

“I’m on the Events Committee. At the end of this year I won’t be on the council anymore, so I can give that position up to you right now, since you’ve done all this work on it already.”

Councilors passed a motion to make that change. Jones won’t be running for re-election to the council because he’s filed to run for Mayor.