Newhouse Introduces Resolution to Honor Gold Star Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) introduced the Gold Star Families Remembrance Week Resolutionwith House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL) and Reps. Scott Franklin (R-FL) and Annie Kuster (D-NH). The resolution establishes a national week to honor the sacrifices made by families of U.S. military servicemembers who lost their lives in service to the nation and designates September 24th to 30th, 2023 as Gold Star Families Remembrance Week.

The resolution is also led by House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost (R-IL) and Reps. Scott Franklin (R-FL) and Annie Kuster (D-NH).

“Our servicemembers and their families have sacrificed so much for our country. We not only owe our fallen military heroes an enormous debt, but we owe their families whom they left behind,” said Rep. Newhouse. “During Gold Star Families Remembrance Week, we honor the surviving families by recognizing their immense sacrifice and ensure our nation’s fallen heroes will always be remembered.”

“The tremendous sacrifice that our Gold Star Families have made on behalf of our nation should never go unrecognized,” said Chairman Bost. “I commend my colleague and friend, Rep. Newhouse, for introducing a bill to designate the week of September 24th through September 30th as Gold Star Family Remembrance Week. This dedication will strengthen the promise we have made to the surviving spouses and families of our fallen heroes that they will never be forgotten.”

“As a husband, father and career Naval officer, I know serving our country is a sacrifice made by the whole family, especially for Gold Star Families,” said Rep. Franklin. “I’m proud to join Rep. Newhouse in honoring these brave Americans who lost their loved ones in action.”

“Our Gold Star families represent the best our country has to offer – we owe it to them to remember their fallen loved one and honor the incredible sacrifice they have made,” said Rep. Kuster. “As we recognize Gold Star Families Remembrance Week, we recommit ourselves to always standing with our military families and the brave American service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.”

“Joining the military is truly a family commitment to our country,” said Rep. McMorris Rodgers. “Tragically for some, that commitment includes a loved one making the ultimate sacrifice. As Americans, it’s important that we not only honor the lives of those who gave their last breath for our freedom, but also remember the pain and heartache of the loved ones they left behind. I’m proud to help introduce this resolution to recognize Gold Star Families and ensure they have the unwavering support of an eternally grateful nation.”

The following Members are primary co-sponsors of the legislation:

Reps. Carbajal (D-CA), Carter (R-GA), Castor (D-FL), Cline (R-VA), Costa (D-CA), Crenshaw (R-TX), Davids (D-KS), De La Cruz (R-TX), Ellzey (R-TX), Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Franklin (R-GA), Graves (R-MO), Green (R-TN), Guest (R-MS), Hudson (R-NC), Johnson (R-OH), Kean (R-NJ), Kiggans (R-VA), Kiley (R-CA), Kilmer (D-WA), Kim (D-NJ), Kuster (D-NH), Larsen (D-WA), Mace (R-SC), Manning (D-MI), McMorris-Rodgers (R-WA), Miller (R-OH), Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Murphy (R-NC), Nunn (R-IA), Pfluger (R-TX), Philips (D-MN), Rouzer (R-NC), Smith (R-NJ), Stefanik (R-NY), Strickland (D-WA), Tenney (R-NY), Thompson (R-PA), Torres (D-CA), Van Drew (R-NJ), Vargas (D-CA), Williams (R-TX), and Zinke (R-MT).

The resolution is also supported by The American Legion, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), Tribute to the Troops, Honor & Remember, Gold Star Mentors, America’s Gold Star Mothers, Children of Fallen Patriots, My Warriors Place, Gold Star Peak Inc., America’s Gold Star Families, Gold Star Awareness Inc., Gold Star Ride Foundation, Freedom Voice Inc., and Captain Joseph House Foundation.

Quotes of Support:

“The sacrifices made by service members and their families are far too often underappreciated. As Americans, we owe the utmost gratitude to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for this great country. With this duty in mind, the American Legion proudly supports the Gold Star Families Remembrance Week Resolution, a bipartisan and bicameral effort to recognize the sacrifices made by the families of fallen service members. Through community service and acts of remembrance, Gold Star Family Remembrance Week is a step forward in repaying the selflessness of these fallen members and their brave families. We encourage our fellow citizens to continue working as a united front to uplift and honor the service members and families who have given us the greatest privileges of freedom and security.” – Daniel J. Seehafer, National Commander, The American Legion

“The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) appreciates Representatives Newhouse and Kuster for introducing the 2023 Gold Star Families Resolution to designate a full week to honor all of our nation’s Gold Star families. Memorial Day exists to honor the fallen, but Gold Star Families Remembrance Week provides the opportunity to honor surviving military families themselves. TAPS is hosting 100 Gold Star Families on Capitol Hill that week to advocate for expanded and improved benefits for our community, and we call on Congress to support these efforts.” – Bonnie Carroll, President and Founder, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS).

“I am writing to express wholehearted support for the resolution endorsing Gold Star Family Remembrance Week. As a group of Americans, we believe that it is of paramount importance to recognize and honor the sacrifices made by the families of our fallen heroes. Gold Star Family Remembrance Week serves as a poignant reminder of the tremendous toll that military service can take on the families left behind. These families have given the most precious gift of all – their loved ones – to defend our freedoms and protect our nation. This resolution not only pays tribute to the fallen but also provides a platform for raising awareness about the unique challenges that Gold Star Families face.” – Robert Swanson, Chairman, Tribute to the Troops

“Recognizing our nation’s Gold Star families is an obligation and responsibility of us all. The creation of an extended week of remembrance will ensure additional opportunity to educate more of our citizens on the sacrifice made by so many.” – George Lutz, Gold Star Father & Executive Director, Honor and Remember, Inc.

“Gold Star Mentors offers its full support of the annual Gold Star Family Remembrance Week resolution. On behalf of our board of directors and its founder Brett Jones we encourage others to join in this effort.” – Ern Sherman, Chairman, Gold Star Mentors

“American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., is proud to support the proposed resolution regarding Gold Star Family Remembrance Week. Every day is Memorial Day for the families of our Fallen Heroes, and it is our hope that the Gold Star Family Remembrance Week will encourage the people of the United States to recognize the sacrifices made by so many

American families and join us in celebrating the lives of our Fallen Heroes.” – Pam Stemple, National President, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.

“I strongly support the effort in Congress to designate the week of September 25th as Gold Star Family Remembrance Week. As someone who knows many Gold Star families, I realize how important it is to them to know that their servicemember’s death and their own personal loss are not forgotten by their fellow Americans.” – Holly Petraeus, Board Member, Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation

“As a Double Gold Star, to brother Sgt. Terrance R. Mesenburg & son SrA. XinHua S. Mesenburg, I strongly express my support for the resolution by Representatives Newhouse, Kuster and Franklin to honor Gold Star families with a week of remembrance from September 24th. thru September 30th. Anything we can do to bring awareness to the general public about those families that have endured the ultimate sacrifice would be an incredible way to let those families know that their loved ones will never be forgotten.” – Mitch Mesenburg, My Warrior’s Place Board of Directors Member & President, Operation Solid 7

“Our freedoms as a nation ahve come at a grave cost, paid for by the lives of our servicemen and women. Unfortunately, their sacrifice doesn’t stop there but goes on to leave an indelible hole in their loved ones’ lives. Gold Star Peak, Inc. is proud to support the resolution recognizing September 24th through September 30th as Gold Star Families Remembrance Week. Gold Star Families have sacrificed more than any other group of Americans; they have lost loved ones, children, siblings, spouses, and parents for our freedom. Through education and advocacy, we commit to them that the price they have paid shall never be forgotten or taken for granted. We shall not forget!” – Kirk R. Alkire, U.S. Army Retired, President, Gold Star Peak,Inc.

“America’s Gold Star Families is supportive and grateful for this resolution. We are happy to see the extension of Gold Star Mother’s Day expanded to include all family members for a longer period of time. It is always fitting and appropriate that we remind one another of the sacrifices made so the rest of the population is able to enjoy life and pursue their dreams in the United States of America. Another small way to say, ‘Thank you from a grateful nation!’” – Patti Latch, Executive Director, America’s Gold Star Families

“The Board of Directors of Captain Joseph House Foundation support the Gold Star Family Remembrance Week (September 24-30) resolution. Our mission is to Honor the Fallen through caring for their Families left behind. Our program supports a grieving Family as a whole; providing an opportunity for creating relationships in a Family-to-Family setting, home-away-from-home with up to three Families in a week.” – Betsy Schultz, Executive Director, Captain Joseph House Foundation

Click here to read the full text of the bill.
