Video: 7/17 Goldendale City Council meeting

Video courtesy of Nancy Kusky of Goldendale TV. Please subscribe to her YouTube Channel.

Goldendale City Council met last night, Mindy Jackson with the Goldendale Chamber of Commerce spoke with Councilors about the Chamber and possible planning for the next three years on Community Days.  What weekend to hold that event, possible discussions later down the road for planning purposes. 

The Airport was still waiting for an electrician to finish his work for the fuel system and talked about how much fuel to start with in the tank.  It’s a 6,000-gallon tank, talk is to only start with 3,000 gallons to see how much fuel is going to be used.  Fuel is only good for about 6 months.  Discussion on the bylaws for the Goldendale Airport Committee Board will be tabled at the next council meeting for further discussion.

Police Chief Mike Smith talked about planning a Ventilation system to test Fentanyl. Mayor Cannon shared a Parent’s Guide to Fentanyl with Councilors and suggested it get out to the Police & Fire Departments as well as the School District. 

In the Public Comment section, it was brought up that there really is no pickle ball courts in town, a resident talked to Council about resurfacing the tennis Courts at World War 2 park for Pickleball.  Councilors agreed to take that to the parks committee as well as a few other items for discussion.