Keeping it in the family: Married couple discovers they’re cousins

Talk about keeping it in the family. Thanks to a DNA test, a couple and their three children from Mississippi recently discovered that they are cousins.

Celina Quinones and her husband Joseph took the test for fun and were shocked to find out that they are distant cousins.

The pair shared the news using a recent TikTok. In the first clip, a picture of the couple — seemingly on their wedding day —  appears along with text that reads “Married my husband in 2006. Not thinking anything of it we had 3 kids.” In the next clip, a screenshot of the DNA results appear showing that Celina and her husband Joseph are related. “Come to find out we were related and cousins,” she wrote. 

Celina was seemingly able to make light of the situation though, captioning the post, “My kids and my husband are my everything and we looked passed it. All our kids has [sic] 10 fingers 10 toes. It’s a good ice breaker lol.”