HRPD: Expired tags lead to Drug Bust

On April 8th, 2023 an Officer with HRPD stopped a vehicle for expired registration tags. During the contact with the driver, the Officer observed numerous signs of impairment. After administering field sobriety tests the driver was taken into custody. Seized from the vehicle was 108 grams of suspected Fentanyl (pills & uncut), 95 grams of Methamphetamine and 10 grams of Heroin. Also seized was a large amount of cash. The driver was booked and lodged at NORCOR.

Officers with HRPD take pride in proactive law enforcement and continue to interdict harmful and deadly drugs making its way into our community. We strive to make Hood River a great place to work, live and visit.

We thank you for your support as we work to keep this deadly poison out of our community!


***We say suspected fentanyl because currently there is no easy or safe way to field test this dangerous substance out on the field. On the contrary, meth and heroin field test kits are readily available to each officer***

Photo from Hood River Police Facebook page: