Brutally honest obituary for “camo coverall lovin’ redneck” goes viral

(NOTE LANGUAGE) An Alton, Illinois, man got the last laugh with his brutally honest obituary.

Kenneth Pluhar‘s obit is up on and starts with, “Kenne died in ICU at St Anthony’s after losing a battle with sepsis – at the age of 62, after 50 years of crap-starting with everyone and everything he could find to fight in Alton, IL, this hard as nails, redneck, SOB finally found something meaner and more stubborn than himself.” 

Pluhar was described as a “good card-carrying, ray ban wearing, camo coverall lovin’ redneck,” and the obituary poked fun at his numerous marriages — at least the ones “we know of.” It continued, “His first marriage… produced his one and only child (again, that we know of).”

The obituary said of his daughter, “She is almost as big of a pain in the a** as he was, and she kept the pain-in-the-a** line going by giving him his only grandchild.”

Pluhar was the first of his siblings to pass on, with the obituary saying, “Which is no surprise seeing as he was equal parts dare devil and lush – I mean, seriously, he probably invented the phrase – ‘Hey, y’all, watch this.'”

“He is also survived by a plethora of nieces and nephews that he terrorized and traumatized in countless and original manners – truly, it was survivorship when it came to Uncle Kenne,” it added.

The obituary then revealed plans for a celebration of life party and noted, “Although there will be music and mayhem, don’t plan to stay too long; we are going to kick you out at 10pm.”

In lieu of flowers, the post concludes people should “take a trip to the Dollar Store in Kenne’s honor instead.”