Columbia Gorge Community College presidential search under way

A national search is under way for Columbia Gorge Community College’s next president.

College board members in February selected the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC, to help recruit the institution’s next president.

“The board is committed to conducting an equitable, inclusive, and transparent national search that will attract a strong and diverse pool of candidates from throughout Oregon and the nation,” said board chair Tim Arbogast.

“ACCT has conducted more than 750 community college searches, and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our process,” Arbogast noted. ACCT’s mission is to strengthen community college governance through education and advocacy. Dr. Luke Robins will be the ACCT search consultant.

Dr. Marta Yera Cronin, CGCC president since 2018, announced in January her selection as president of Delaware County Community College in Pennsylvania. Dr. Cronin will continue as CGCC’s president through June 2023.

The entire community is invited to participate in an electronic survey on the characteristics and qualifications for CGCC’s next president. The survey also invites people to identify opportunities and challenges for the college. Responses are anonymous and will inform a draft presidential profile.

The survey is available at

Responses are due  by noon Thursday, March 16.

The college board will appoint a broad-based, representative search committee to review applications, interview semifinalists, and identify final candidates for consideration by the full board. Finalists will be announced pubicly.

Finalists will participate in open forums at the college, probably in early June. All employees, students, and community members will be invited.

CGCC’s website will provide updates on a dedicated web page. Questions and suggestions are welcome. These may be directed to ACCT search consultant Luke Robins, [email protected], (501) 276-0996.