“This is my emotional support snake on a plane”

There were no snakes on a plane in Miami after a woman tried smuggling her boa constrictor on board but the Transportation Security Administration got in the way.

The woman was flying out of Tampa International Airport and tried stashing her boa constrictor in her carry-on luggage — but she was no match for the TSA’s X-ray machine. The TSA shared the image on Instagram, which shows the snake coiled up in the corners and outlined in bright orange.

“There’s a danger noodle in that bag… Our officers at Tampa International Airport didn’t find this hyssssssterical!” the caption read. The puns kept coming, with the post continuing, “We really have no adder-ation for discovering any pet going through an x-ray machine.”

“Do you have asp-irations of taking a snake on a plane? Don’t get upsetti spaghetti by not understanding your airline’s rules. For instance, airlines don’t allow nope ropes in carry-on bags and only a few allow them to slither around in checked bags, if packaged correctly,” the TSA explained.

Lisa Farbstein, a TSA spokesperson, added on Twitter that the snake’s name is Bartholomew and the woman “claimed the snake was her emotional support pet.”

The snake was not allowed to go on the plane.