Stay together for the snakes

Being a child of divorce can be hard, even if you’re a snake.

As reported by the BBC, 70 royal pythons were found left behind in a woman’s England home by her former boyfriend after they broke up.

The man, who was breeding the snakes, had apparently told his ex that he was keeping only six on the property. However, when Daniel Holmes of the Knaresborough Exotic Rescue reptile sanctuary arrived, he found over 10 times that amount, split between 50 in drawers and 20 loose on the property.

“I’ve been doing this for many years and this was the worst condition I have ever seen snakes kept in,” Holmes says.

Several other reptile and animal rescue organizations have chipped in to help house or feed the pythons, while Holmes will be submitting the information to the U.K.’s RSPCA animal welfare charity.

It seems pretty clear who the cold-hearted snake is in this situation.