On Tuesday, March 11th 2025, Klickitat County Sheriff Bob Songer thanked the Klickitat County Search & Rescue (KCSAR) volunteers at the annual appreciation ceremony. Sheriff Songer Undersheriff Carmen Knopes and SAR Coordinator Jeff King commended the volunteers for their dedication and commitment to the residents and visitors of Klickitat County. In 2024 the Klickitat County SAR volunteers donated a total of 8,099 hours, including 527 hours on 13 missions and 6,758 training hours. While logging 11,940 personal vehicle miles. Sheriff Songer pledged continued support for the Search & Rescue Program.
Sheriff Songer recognized the SAR members and their families, saying how much he appreciated their contributions and dedication to the Search & Rescue Program. Sheriff Songer acknowledged the value to the citizens of Klickitat County in the way of the SAR member’s thousands of volunteer hours and use of personal vehicles and equipment in helping people in their time of greatest need.
County Commissioners Ron Ihrig and Todd Andrews also attended the event and took the opportunity to show their appreciation to the KCSAR volunteers for all of the time, energy, and resources they donate every year to people in Klickitat County.
Fourteen (14) new members were recognized with commemorative SAR pins. SAR Program Coordinator, Jeff King recognized the three certified K9 search dogs and their handlers, Jim Jones and Molly Sullivan for their hundreds of extra hours of training to achieve and maintain certification. Recognition went to Rachel Anderson, Brain Hackett, Jim Jones, Ellie Jones (K9), Frank Norwood, Angie Pacleb, Jay Stagnone, and Brandon Tattersall for 5 years of volunteer service and Tom Cochrane for 10 years of volunteer
service. Special recognition was given to 2024 “Rookie of the Year”, Josh Adams and “Volunteer of the Year”, Jeff Adams for their outstanding levels of dedication and commitment to the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office Search & Rescue Program.
Quotes about Josh and Jeff from their Team mates included; “the level of technical knowledge, skill and abilities Josh brings to the team are significant. He is smart, patient, and kind with teammates of all ability levels. Josh exemplifies the culture we want to create in Klickitat County Search & Rescue.”
“As Training Officer, Jeff goes above and beyond to provide exceptional skills training, knowledge, and learning resources to all SAR members. What makes Jeff’s approach so beneficial to the SAR team is that his approach is never for one specific level, which allows members from beginners to skilled experts be involved in all training sessions.”
Klickitat County Search & Rescue Volunteers are looking forward to another successful year in 2025. If you would like information about joining the Klickitat County Search & Rescue Team or making a donation, please read more about KCSAR activities and download an application at www.klickitatsar.org or follow “Klickitat County Search and Rescue” on Facebook. ####