11/18 Goldendale City Council Meeting

The Goldendale City Council moved with brisk efficiency at their meeting last night. They managed to hold three public hearings, vote on three resolutions, hear reports from city departments and council members, and wrap the whole thing up in exactly 30 minutes.

Of course it helps in moving things along when no members of the public step up to offer testimony, either in person or by Zoom. 

Two of the hearings involved the 2025 budget. One was approval of the funding sources, the other a first reading of that budget. The third hearing and resolution involve state-mandated updates to the city’s flood damage prevention ordinance.

Financial consultant Jen Forsberg of TDJ CPA Inc., said the budget was balanced and fairly straightforward.

“The final 2025 budget has been included in the packet tonight, and all interested parties have had the opportunity to be heard. It is about $12 million, includes the projects that we talked about already tonight, and it also includes the one percent increase in property taxes which we just approved, so thank you for that.”

The second reading and adoption of the budget ordinance will take place at the next meeting.