Man plants fake bomb in car to avoid repossession

A Michigan man who couldn’t bear to part with his car came up with what he thought was a foolproof plan to keep the repo man from taking it away.

The plan turned out to be a bomb.

The 45-year-old man is accused of placing a propane gas tank in the front seat of the car, along with some copper wire running from the tank to somewhere under the dashboard, while strapping another tank to the driver’s side wheel and running some copper wire underneath the vehicle, according to MLive.

The scheme did manage to get the attention of the local bomb squad, while police closed down a portion of the area. Alas, the squad determined the entire thing was a hoax and that the tanks weren’t connected to anything that could cause an explosion.

The suspect now faces a formal charge of “device representing or presented as explosive” from the county prosecutor’s office, per the outlet, as well as the loss of his car.