In a first, Oregon officials find mosquito that can transmit deadly viruses in southern Oregon

by Lynne Terry, Oregon Capital Chronicle
August 29, 2024

For the first time, Oregon health officials have found a type of mosquito in the state that can transmit deadly viruses.

The Oregon Health Authority announced Thursday that it had found Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Jackson County as part of its regular mosquito surveillance.

“Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are a concern in the United States because they can carry and transmit various diseases that can have serious health consequences such as Zika virus, chikungunya, dengue and yellow fever,” said Emilio DeBess, Oregon Health Authority’s public health veterinarian. The latter two viruses are potentially deadly.

The first mosquito was found July 23 in Talent, according to Jackson County officials. Since then, officials have found 77 specimens in 18 traps in northwest Talent. The initial discoveries were made weeks apart. Jonathan Modie, a spokesman for the Oregon Health Authority, said the state waited until now to alert the public because officials needed time to “conduct further surveillance and for local, county and state agencies to cfoordinate a resp0onse to ensure residents had acurate information once the public announcement was made.”

For more information:

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website: County’s vector control page: