8/18 update:
8/17 update:
8/15 update:
8/14 update:
8/13 update:
8/12 update:
8/09 12:00 pm:
8/07 12:00 pm:
8/06 12:45 pm:
8/05 12:00 pm:
8/02 at 3:00 pm:
8/01 at 3:00 pm:
7/31 at 10:00 am:
7/30 at 10:00 am:
Crews continue to prepare containment lines and clear roads and trails to the south along the RainyWahtum Trail #409 from Rainy Lake to Wahtum Lake and continuing to the PCT approximately one mile to
the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire burn area. Crews are clearing thick brush along roads with the assistance of
masticators to create fire breaks. To the east of the fire, crews continue to strengthen contingency lines
working towards the Hood River County Forestry Kingsley area.
Fire Behavior and Weather:
Recent rain is expected to minimize fire activity. Warmer and drier temperatures are predicted to move
into the region later this week and are expected to increase fire activity and smoke production.
Road and Trail Closures:
The Mt. Hood National Forest and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area have expanded a joint
emergency closure for the fire area to include the Pacific Crest Trail and areas south of I-84. Closure
information can be found at: Whisky Creek Fire Closures in Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness. Hood River
County has closures in effect for Kingsley Campground, Kingsley Road, Dead Point Road, and Green Point
Road viewable on their website.
Total Fire Resources Assigned:
- Approx. 284 personnel, 6 hand crews, 4 water tenders, 3 dozers, 5 masticators and 3 helicopters.

7/29 at 10:00 am:
7/28 at 10:00 am:
7/27 at 10:00 am:
7/26/ at 9:00 am update:
7/25 9:00 am update:
7/24 9:00 am update:
Whiskey Creek Fire | 0% Contained | 288 Acres | 6 miles SE of Cascade Locks, OR | Burning in scrub oak, timber, slash and grass |
The Great Basin Complex Incident Management Team 6, led by Incident Commander Mack McFarland, assumed command of the Whisky Creek Fire at 6:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The Complex Incident Management Team brings additional resources and management capabilities to implement a full suppression strategy for the Whisky Creek Fire. The Whisky Creek Fire, a human-caused fire currently under investigation, was first detected on July 20. A community meeting will be held Thursday, July 25, at the Pavilion at Marine Park at 7 p.m.
Today’s focus is on scouting along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and the area around the fire looking for opportunities for crews to safely access the fire. No impacts are expected on the PCT at this time, although conditions on a wildfire may quickly change. Work will continue strengthening a contingency line to the north of the fire along the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire burn area.
Evacuations, Road and Trail Closures, and Restrictions
The Mt. Hood National Forest and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area are issuing a joint emergency closure for the fire area. Closures include:
• Developed Recreation Sites: Rainy Lake Campground, Black Lake Campground, Wahtum Lake Campgrounds, Indian Springs Trailhead, Warren Lake Trailhead, Wahtum Lake Trailhead, Mt. Defiance South Trailhead, Wyeth Trailhead, and Herman Creek Trailhead
• Trails: Gorge #400, Herman Creek #406, Herman Bridge #406E, Gorton Creek #408, Wyeth #411, Green Point Ridge #418, Deadwood #422, North Lake #423, Rainy Lake #423A, Ridge Cut-off #437, and Nick Eaton #447
• Roads: Forest Service Roads: 1310, 1310-640, 1310–641, 1310-660, 1310–661, 1310-662, 1310–664, 1310-669, 2810, 2810-630, 2810-650, 2820 beginning at its junction with Forest Service Road 2820-620, 2820-011, 2820-013, 2820622, 2820-631, 2820-632, 2820-633, 2820-634, 2820-635, 2820-636, 2820-650, 2820-651, 2820-660, 2820-661, 2820-662, 2820-663, 2820-670, 2820-685, 2821, 2821-620, 2821–621, 2821-630, and 2821-640.
Fire Behavior
The fire is burning within the Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness. Moderate upslope growth is expected around the fire’s edges with thinner vegetation at higher elevations moderating fire behavior. Smoke will continue to be visible as fire consumes denser pockets of vegetation and dead-and-down fuels.
Total Fire Resources Assigned
- Approx. 156 personnel, 2 hand crews, 3 water tenders, and 1 dozer.
Whisky Creek Fire Information
Phone: 541-308-1736 (staffed 8am-8pm)
InciWeb: https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/ormhf-whisky-creek-fire
Facebook: @2024WhiskyCreekFire