Technology Innovation is Key to Maintaining Region’s Abundant, Affordable Energy, Says Cantwell at PacNW Energy Summit

Summit with Sen. Wyden convened region’s top energy stakeholders as electricity demand expected to surge by over 30% in the next decade

Cantwell releases snapshot report on energy techs being pioneered in Pacific Northwest that could help regional energy needs

SEATTLE, WA – Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) joined U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and regional energy stakeholders to discuss technological and policy solutions that will ensure NW ratepayers and our regional economy continue to benefit from abundant, affordable, and reliable clean energy. More than 200 business, government, and non-profit energy professionals attended the event.

“We may need as much as 30% more energy in the very near term, in a decade, than we currently produce today,” said Sen. Cantwell. “So today’s summit and business innovation show was to emphasize some of the new technologies that might help us in meeting those energy needs of the future, and trying to make sure that we hold down costs. …The Northwest’s ability to provide clean sources of energy has been one of the hallmarks of our region for a long time and we want to continue to do that.”

“A growing economy that’s generating jobs in the Pacific Northwest means growing energy needs, and this summit spotlighted the urgent need to build a grid able to meet those demands, bring renewable options online and withstand any weather challenge,” said Sen. Wyden. “I come away from today’s exchange of ideas more encouraged than ever that the future is bright, given the outstanding spirit of collaboration among all the parties to build an energy system that is resilient, renewable, and affordable.”

According to a report by the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee, electricity demand in the Northwest is expected to increase by over 30% in the next decade — triple the prediction just three years ago.

Summit participants included representatives from Bonneville Power Administration, the U.S. Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and other stakeholder groups.

Before the summit, the Washington State Department of Commerce hosted an Energy Solutions Showcase, where nearly 30 companies, utilities, and non-profits displayed cutting-edge technologies for clean energy generation, storage, delivery, and promoting system-wide efficiency improvements.