Senator Murray Statement: “We Must Condemn All Forms of Political Violence—We Cannot Denounce One and Disregard Another”

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, issued the following statement:

“Violence begets violence, and leaders from all walks of life should forcefully reject violence in all its forms in the strongest possible terms. Political violence, though, is a direct assault on our democracy—no matter what the political beliefs of the perpetrator might be. As we mourn for the father who was killed and hope for the full recovery of those who were injured, we should all be grateful for the safety of former President Donald Trump—for the sake of his family and loved ones and for the country.

We can only be credible and effective in refuting political violence if we are clear and consistent—which is why in this moment, it is not enough for anyone to condemn the attack on former President Trump if they still refuse to condemn the political violence that has been incited or condoned by Trump and his allies. Donald Trump incited a violent mob that attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election on January 6th, he openly ridiculed the heinous assault on Paul Pelosi, and he brazenly directed far-right extremists to ‘stand back and standby’—anyone who is turning a blind eye to Trump’s ceaseless rhetoric is doing this country a grave disservice. Just today, the former President called January 6th a hoax—I was there on January 6th, and I could hear the banging on the doors of my office. I will not let the history of that day be rewritten. It was an attack on our very democracy—a violent one.

“It is easy to say political violence has no place in America, but if we want that sentiment to hold true, we must condemn all forms of political violence—we cannot denounce one and disregard another. Here’s what I know: if we want to protect our democracy for the future, we can only do it using our voices and our votes—and we have to be clear-eyed and unwavering in calling out leaders who willfully and purposefully incite political violence.”
