Smoke Ready Week brings attention to health risks from wildfires and smoke

Keep yourself and loved ones safe by preparing now for wildfire smoke

OLYMPIA – Washington state is getting ready for what is likely to be a hotter and drier summer than normal. These conditions can lead to more wildfires, exposing millions of residents to wildfire smoke and worsening people’s health.

To help protect people from wildfire smoke, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) joined a coalition of local and regional agencies and departments for this year’s Smoke Ready Week. From June 10-14, we’re sharing information and resources to help people prepare for smoke plumes and poor air quality caused by wildfires.

Smoke from fires can lead to dangerous air quality levels, especially for people with chronic health conditions like asthma or COPD, infants, the elderly, low-income or marginalized communities, and more. Exposure to fine particulate matter from wildlife smoke can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat, and lead to fatigue, headaches, wheezing, and other symptoms.

Check our DOH website, Facebook, Instagram, and X social media feeds this week for information and links to useful sites related to Smoke Ready Week. The daily themes include:

  • Monday, June 10: Learn About Smoke
  • Tuesday, June 11: Stay Informed
  • Wednesday, June 12: Smoke and Your Health
  • Thursday, June 13: Strategies to Minimize Smoke Exposure
  • Friday, June 14: Preventing Smoke

The WA Smoke Blog is the best tool to stay up to date on wildfires and air quality. DOH also offers practical tips to protect yourself, such as how to select a portable air cleaner, build a box fan filter, and prepare your home, on the Smoke from Fires webpage.

The DOH website is your source for a healthy dose of information. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and follow us on X (formerly Twitter). Sign up for the DOH blog, Public Health Connection