Like most of us, Justin Rybicki loves a good pizza, but for the past six months, pranksters have been ordering over $1,000 worth of pizza to the Canada resident’s home and workplace. And it’s making him public enemy number one with delivery drivers.
“The first one started on Nov. 19. I was getting ready to sit down with my family and have soup for supper when the door bell rang and it was a Pizza 73 delivery guy at the door with a bunch of pizzas,” Rybicki tells the Edmonton Journal.
“The pizza delivery guy got mad at me, and asked me what he was supposed to do with it, and I said, ‘I don’t know, but I didn’t order $100 worth of pizza, so I’m not paying for it,’” he continues.
After this happened for three days in a row, Rybicki convinced the pizzeria not to accept any orders under his name, only to have the pranksters use a different pizza place.
Even when the frustrated Goodwill worker changed his email and all his passwords, the pranksters somehow managed to get a hold of the new address.
Rybicki has notified the police, but they still haven’t been able to figure out the identity of the pizza pranksters.