19-Year-Old Hikers Found After Getting Lost On Pacific Crest Trail

On 04/04/2024, at approximately 9:00 PM, the Skamania County Communications Center received a 911 call from 19-year-old Wyatt Corn advising he and his 19-year-old friend were lost on the Pacific Crest Trail, just north of the city of North Bonneville.

The individuals set out to hike Aldrich Butte at approximately 1000 that morning, but became lost on their return.

A Skamania County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Coordinator, along with members of the Skamania County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue Team, responded to the area near the last G.P.S. coordinates of the hikers.

After a three-hour mission, Skamania County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue volunteers were able to find the two lost hikers, bringing them to safety.

The Skamania County Sheriff’s Office wants to use this opportunity to remind all outdoor recreationists to be prepared for their outing, including possessing the Ten Essentials, letting someone know about your trip plans, and ensuring your adventure is within your skill levels.