Portland Fire responds to 3rd alarm fire overnight

Portland Fire & Rescue – 03/26/24

Portland Fire responds to 3rd alarm fire overnight.

Portland Fire & Rescue was dispatched to a commercial fire located in the Madison South Neighborhood at just before 2 AM. The location is a single-story strip mall with a closed restaurant space occupying 1/3 of the structure on the western edge and a large Asian Market occupying the remaining 2/3 of the 20000 square foot building. A 3rd alarm fire ensued that will be a total loss of the structure. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The first arriving engine company to the Pacific Market complex reported smoke showing from the roof of the structure over the top of the closed restaurant space. An offensive fire attack was directed by the command officer with crews entering the space that had many of the windows boarded up with plywood. Interior crews communicated a report of moderate heat and thick smoke with the members having a difficult time finding the source of the fire. With thick brown smoke pushing out of the double entry doors, the chief who had assumed command called for all interior crews to withdraw from the structure and directed a defensive fire attack with large water streams to address the fire from the safety of the outside of the structure. The chief also requested a second alarm response to the fire which doubles the number of firefighters to nearly 60 members. A truck officer who was on the roof at the time the withdraw order was placed communicated that fire had run the entire length of the roof structure and agreed a defensive strategy was appropriate.

The 3 trucks on scene surrounded the structure with water lines being connected to the hydrants to provide the needed water for the operation. The water pressure required for multiple aerial master streams to successfully operate challenged the available water supply. Many area fire hydrants were tapped with an engine placed at many of these hydrants to increase the water pressure greater than that available at the hydrant itself. This committed many engines to hydrants and trucks to provide adequate water pressure for the task at hand. As the hose lines from the fire hydrants were being put into place the growing flames began to impinge on the overhead powerlines causing a safety concern. Pacific Power was requested to the scene to cut the electricity running through the lines for the safety of those working in the area.

Twenty minutes into the incident, the flames had yet to breach into the market from the adjacent space but there was heavy smoke pushing out of the front door indicating heavy fire activity overhead. Crews were removing items from the entry way of the market to allow for quick deployment of handheld hose lines if the fire overhead was controlled by the aerial operation and the command officer changed tactical choices from defensive to offensive fire attack. With the intensity of the fire growing and concerns that there may be wall collapse all fire hoses and personnel were pulled away from the building for safe operations.

The fire had now run the roof of the structure and ignited the fire load present on the inside of the market with all the food and other supplies on the interior. Approximately 8 homes were temporarily evacuated with concerns for the safety of the residents in the homes along the eastern edge of the building. With 20’ flames from the top of the structure located closely to these homes, a 3rd alarm was requested to be certain to have enough personnel on hand in the event of fire spread to additional structures. The 3rd alarm companies were being directed to the eastern side of the building upon arrival to be ready to address the possibility of fire spread to the homes. A few large exposure lines were successfully put in place to prevent any extension of the fire across the street to the homes. Residents were escorted back into their homes after 15 minutes once it was apparent that the fire threat was reduced, and it was safe to shelter in their residences.

Shortly after the arrival of the 3rd alarm companies the fire was considered under control and no longer a threat to extend to different buildings. The fire was recalled 90 minutes into the incident with all companies working on scene. There were no reported injuries, and no one will be displaced due to the fire. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Portland Fire would like to thank the dispatchers at BOEC and the members of Pacific Power for their help in during this fire incident.

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