LEGISLATIVE NEWS: Gov. Signs Protections Against Assisted Reproduction Fraud 

March 25, 2024

OLYMPIA – Legislation strengthening safeguards against assisted reproduction fraud was signed into law today by Governor Inslee. House Bill 1300, sponsored by Rep. Tina Orwall (D-Des Moines), empowers patients and ensures accountability for assisted reproduction healthcare providers. 

The bill widens the scope of the Uniform Disciplinary Act to encompass healthcare providers who use their own genetic material during procedures. This violation would lead to potential license revocation. Additionally, the bill clarifies that such actions constitute assault in the third degree. 

“There is a fundamental imbalance of power within the doctor-patient relationship that can be used to exploit patient trust and result in abuse,” said Rep. Orwall. “This bill is about addressing that imbalance, improving patient safety, and holding violators accountable.” 

House Bill 1300 takes effect ninety days after the adjournment of the 2024 legislative session.