14th District virtual town hall, Feb. 22

From 14th District Representative Gina Mosbrucker 2/15

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

The Legislature is now several days past the halfway point of the scheduled 60-day session. Tuesday at 5 p.m. was the house of origin cutoff. Bills must have been reported out of the chamber where they originated to advance through the Legislature. Only bills necessary to implement the budget are exempt from the deadline.

In anticipation of that key deadline, we were on the House floor early Tuesday morning until 2:30 a.m., and we also worked early Saturday morning and into Saturday afternoon to deliberate, debate, and pass legislation.

To date, we have passed 276 House bills and sent them to the Senate. The Senate has passed and sent us 262 bills. None have gone to the governor yet for his signature, but that will happen soon.

Although the hours are long, I’m grateful to serve as we work to provide important solutions to the many challenges facing our state. We are working to address public safety, the drug crisis, housing and homelessness, affordability, child care and other issues. You can read more here about our priorities to fix Washington.

Please join us for a 14th District Virtual Town Hall!

If you haven’t marked your calendar and registered for our 14th District virtual town hall meeting, please be sure to do it now. I will be joining Sen. Curtis King and Rep. Chris Corry for a “Zoom” online town hall meeting on Thursday, Feb. 22, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We will provide an update of the 2024 legislative session and take your questions. Your input is important to us as we vote on legislation that could affect the 14h District.

Pre-register by going to http://tinyurl.com/14th-LD-TownHall. After registering, a confirmation email will be sent about joining the webinar. I look forward to visiting with you at this online event.