Safer, easier truck parking coming to I-5

Truck drivers traveling Interstate 5 will have an easier and safer experience finding truck parking, thanks to an innovative new project and federal grant funding.

Last week Oregon, Washington and California were awarded $12.3 million in federal grant funds for their joint Regional Truck Parking Information Management System project. The project will deploy a real-time truck parking information system at 54 truck parking areas along I-5 through all three states.

The grant funds come from the federal INFRA grant program. Oregon, Washington, and California will split the awarded funds to deploy the system at truck parking areas in their states, creating a connected system the length of I-5.

We expect the project to kick off in late 2024 or early 2025 with initial planning and outreach to trucking groups and other communities. The project should be complete and serving truckers in 2027.

“Our success with this grant is due to the strong partnership among the west coast states,” said Amy Ramsdell, ODOT Commerce and Compliance Division administrator. “This grant will allow us to provide vital, real-time information to truck drivers to help them find safe parking along the interstate.”

How it works

The system will use sensors and cameras in truck parking areas to collect data and feed that information to truckers in real time. Truckers will be able to access the parking availability information in a few different ways, depending on what state they’re in and the location:

  • Digital roadside signs.
  • Directly to their cabs, if they have compatible in-cab technology.
  • Via smartphone apps or travel websites.

Making the system flexible, and providing options for truckers, are key parts of its design.

Benefits to truckers, other road users, and the environment

Real-time information on truck parking availability will have several benefits:

  • Safety. Truckers will spend less time searching for a safe, designated parking space, especially when they’re tired or nearing their mandated hours-of-service limit. Fatigue and parking in undesignated areas are two leading factors in crashes involving trucks.
  • Time savings. Truckers will be able to plan their drive and rest times more efficiently. Other travelers will have a smoother, safer trip due to fewer crashes involving trucks.
  • Cost savings. More efficient trips will mean cost savings on fuel, maintenance, and other expenses for trucking companies. States will save money on road maintenance via fewer trucks parking in undesignated areas and crashes involving trucks.
  • Reduced emissions. Efficient truck travel produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions, which helps address the effects of climate change.