Democrats reject sixth request by House Republicans for public hearings on citizen initiatives

Democrats have again once again turned a deaf ear on another request by House Republican lawmakers for a public hearing on a citizen’s initiative.

The latest in a long list of proposals brought to the Legislature, Initiative 2124 would allow employees to opt-out of the state’s long-term health care insurance. House Republican Assistant Floor Leader Representative Peter Abbarno of Centralia has repeatedly called for changes to the program, and said Monday that those who signed the petition should be offered a public hearing.

“Nothing in the House or joint rules prohibits this motion and in fact the rules specifically allow for motions to suspend the rules to address important circumstances, like initiatives to the Legislature.”

For the sixth time, Republican lawmakers asked for a public hearing and were promptly rejected by majority Democrats.

“Mister Speaker, the people of the great state of Washington have spoken and they expect us to listen.”

The Washington Cares Fund requires workers to pay up to 58 cents for every 100 dollars earned to fund long-term health care. The initiative has been referred to the House Health Care and Wellness Committee for further action.

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