Wyden, Merkley announce federal investment in Oregon’s semiconductor economy

Microchip expansion in Gresham will create hundreds of Oregon jobs and further grow the state’s semiconductor economy

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce is awarding $72 million in direct funding to Microchip for its Gresham expansion, as part of the CHIPS and Science Act passed by Congress in 2022. 

“Oregon is the beating heart of our nation’s semiconductor industry,” said Wyden. “When I brought Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to Oregon last year, I was confident that she would see the Silicon Forest for what it is: a world class launching pad for high-tech, high-paying jobs and the semiconductor industry as a whole. This investment shows that the Biden administration wholeheartedly agrees, and I expect it will be the first of many investments in the months to come.”

“The 21st century economy is built on tiny chips that hold enormous opportunities, and we must ensure their production, power, and possibilities are homegrown right here in Oregon,” said Merkley. “This crucial investment coming to Gresham is a huge win for the local economy that will generate good-paying jobs, help support our state’s leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, and protect our national security with strong domestic supply chains.”

As part of its Gresham expansion, Microchip is doubling its capacity to manufacture the chips that power cars, defense technology and other crucial products – and will result in an estimated 600 total new Oregon jobs. Microchip’s Gresham expansion will also benefit from  the semiconductor manufacturing tax credit secured by Wyden in the CHIPS Act.

A web version of this release is here.
