$30 million available in Local Government Grant Program grants in 2024

Salem, OR—SALEM, Oregon—The Local Government Grant Program (LGGP) has $30 million in grant funds available in 2024 to help local government agencies in Oregon fund everything from playground equipment and restrooms to splashpads and bike paths.

This is more than double the funds available last year and the most ever available in one grant cycle. The LGGP is a competitive grant program designed to help local government agencies fund projects to acquire, develop and rehabilitate parks and public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Eligible applicants are cities, counties, metropolitan service districts, park and recreation districts and port districts.

The maximum awards range from $50,000 for planning grants to $1 million for large projects.

Learn more about applying for the grants at a live online workshop 9 to 10:30 a.m. Feb. 6. The workshop will help new and returning applicants navigate the application process and learn about the program. Register at: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/GRA/pages/GRA-lggp.asp…

A recording of the workshop will be available after Feb. 6 at https://oprdgrants.org/ (Select the Grant Programs drop-down menu, then select Local Government.)

Program grants are split into large, small and planning categories. Application deadlines vary by grant type:
• Large grant application deadline ($1,000,000 maximum award): April 1
• Small grant application deadline ($100,000 maximum award): May 1
• Planning grant application deadline ($50,000 maximum award): May 15

Local governments can apply online at oprdgrants.org. Applicants will need to set up an account when applying for the first time. The site also includes additional information about the LGGP including the grant manual, application instructions and program schedule.

The Lottery-funded grant program is administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD). The program has awarded more than $90 million in reimbursement grant funds since 1999.

The recent increase in grant funding is the result of yearly increases in State Lottery funds, which are allocated in part to state parks. Oregon voters generously approved making parks a recipient of Lottery dollars under the state constitution in 1999 and 2010.)

Language approved by voters in 2010 directs OPRD to more than double its funding for Local Government grants—from 12% of its lottery revenue to 25%—when the agency’s share of lottery revenue grows to $122 million or more in a biennium. It is projected to be $138 million in the current biennium. The OPRD budget does not include any general tax funds.